

Last Updated: June 4, 2024
All information correct according to mistertfy64's knowledge.
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POSN Computer Training Camp 2

Another training camp organized by The POSN Foundation to select students to attend the Thailand Olympiad in Informatics. Data Structures and Algorithms in C++ is taught in this camp.

This training camp determines who gets to compete in the Thailand Olympiad in Informatics.

Contestants who get a silver medal or higher (in the Thailand Olympiad in Informatics) can attend the IPST camp(s), which is used to select Thailand's representatives for the International Olympiad in Informatics.

As expected, I didn't make the team and therefore unable to compete in the 20th Thailand Olympiad in Informatics.

POSN Computer Training Camp 1

A training camp organized by The POSN Foundation to select students to attend the Thailand Olympiad in Informatics.

Basic Programming in C is taught in this camp, although "special" topics like recursion are also taught.

This training camp determines who gets to go to another training camp organized by The POSN Foundation held in March of next year.

I got selected to attend POSN Camp 2.

Thailand Cyber Top Talent 2023

A CTF competition organized by Thailand's National Cyber Security Agency to select eligible players to attend Cyber SEA Game 2023.

Out of the three members in my team, I contributed the least, but got a decent solo rank and team rank regardless.

PIM Robotics Playground 2023

A hobby-robot-centered competition where students build robots to battle with others.

Although robots are the main theme of the competition, projects are also one of the areas of the competition.

I presented SyncedTeach, a project that is an *attempt* to make a free and open-source self-hostable school dashboard.

Ended up winning one of the four Third Runner-Up prizes and a Gold Medal.

Reply Code Challenge 2023

A competitive programming competition for teenagers to solve 5 algorithmic problems for a chance to win a large cash prize.

Garena Gamer to Coder

A camp where students are taught web programming in HTML, CSS and JavaScript, as well as basic UI/UX design and gamification.

This camp features personnel from Thailand's Ministry of Education and experts from Garena Thailand and other large companies.

At the end of the camp, a competition is held to build the best website surrounding a theme.

Ended up winning one of the seven Honorable Mention awards as well as the THB4,000.00 cash prize that comes with it.

Reply Code Challenge 2022

A competitive programming competition for teenagers to solve 5 algorithmic problems for a chance to win a large cash prize.

National Software Contest 2021

A yearly(?) contest by Thailand's National Science and Technology Development Agency for students (both while in school and university) to find students who can build the best software according to one of many themes.

Real money funding is given to projects that pass the proposal screening round and/or the second funding round.

My project got the second round funding (but not to the finals), which are given to students who do a "decent" job (at least 60 points but less than 80 points) in the project presentation round. This project raised a total of THB12,000.00 in funding by NSTDA.

This is what started Mathematical Base Defenders!